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Ha... they don't even look real, more like dressed-up characters for a cartoon.
I think it's a great shot, though somewhat limited by the lack of focus on the rear bird. The exp and colors are interesting too, very neutral overall but with the touch of red, which really stands out.
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I like it and agree on the crop the top.LOL. You will find the zoom seems to have a narrower DOF than your stock lens. Put that baby in manual and raise the F/Stop a bit. Nice picture,
I am like Barney Fife, I have a gun but Andy makes me keep the bullet in my pocket..
Good moment captured. I do not mind the bg bird slightly soft here, but as Greg says closing the aperture will sharpen the bg some more. A crop from the top and right side is a good idea , to bring the viewer into the "meat" of the shot.