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Who's going to topple over first in this amusing balancing act.
The light filtering through on to the ground is very nice and it's suitably strongest in the right place, leading us in to where the real robots are chatting.
One of the balls of light falls nicely on the intersection of some of the paving slab giving a nice star effect in the foreground. I like that.
Yoyo where do you get the time? You always manage to find unusual places, sometimes interesting, sometimes not, but then turn them into interesting photographs.
I have a total lack of respect for anything connected with society, except that which makes the roads safer, the beer stronger, the food cheaper, and the old men and old women warmer in the winter and happier in the summer. Brendan Behan
Hi Tom, Thanks for the kind words. I enjoy your interpretation. My interpretation is that the youngsters are sharing their secrets with their friends in the undisturbed place. I do not spend too much time in taking photos. I guess I spend most of my leisure time in reading.
Last edited by Yoyo Szeto; 07-20-2006 at 09:22 PM.