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wow, really nice pic
when I look at it I feel like i am in one of those old russian fairytales
maybe putting it into sepia color would have a nice effect on it
The ground is amazing in this, Yoyo...very soft-looking. I can see the "fairy-tale" aspect here. I like how the light hits the trees in the background too.
Fairytale or horror story. Seems like the tree was dead and is coming back from the grave It might be ready to grab ya with the root that's REALLY a tentacle (ha ha)
I do like the shot btw, but it seems to have a slightly strange effect/grain. Is that just due to frost, or is it the result of over-sharpening...? (hope the former). The light background area and the way it contrasts the dark areas really makes the photo, imo - GB
Photography Software and Post Processing Forum Moderator. Visit here!
Feel free to edit and repost my photos as part of your critique.
I like the leading lines of the image, they way the root of the tree in the foreground draws your eye into the forest. The forest floor really gives the image texture. I for one like the straight black and white of the image. I think the sepia would dull the effects of the silvery-white highlights of the forest floor and the bark of the trees.
Hi GB, The ground is covered with mosses. I am attaching the colour version for comparison. I was surprised to see the great difference between the colour and the B&W versions. The B&W version resembles an SEM micrograph to me.
Hi jdugger, Thanks for the analysis and kind words.
wow, would have never even suspected that it was moss............
Photography Software and Post Processing Forum Moderator. Visit here!
Feel free to edit and repost my photos as part of your critique.
Yoyo, I am not sure that I see how this one relate to the two others "dialogue" shots but the fact is that this is a superb photograph. I really like how you managed to isolate the trunks and the roots. The scene become somewhat abstract. While I enjoy the b&w, I think that the color version steal the show.
Hi Seb,
I imagine the trees are talking to each other and thats why I used the title. In other words, natural objects talk to natural objects. (In the first photo of the series, a man talks to a man-made object. In the second photo, people talk with each other and to the nature).
Hi Seb,
I imagine the trees are talking to each other and thats why I used the title. In other words, natural objects talk to natural objects. (In the first photo of the series, a man talks to a man-made object. In the second photo, people talk with each other and to the nature).
Hi Yoyo,
Thank you for your explanation. Put this way, it makes a whole lot of sense. I just didn't put that much thinking in my evaluation.