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Don, I don't know what it is about that second shot but, for some reason I love it...LOL Has a very cool feel to it. Mind if I ask what you did for processing to it?
Aaron Lehoux * flickr
Please do not edit my photos, thank you.
What did you do with the first image?
Looks like you used high ISO, underexposed, then over-sharpened.
Interesting effect, it's almost an edge highlighting.
I agree, the second one looks plain out of focus.
But the colours and shapes are interesting.
Was this a kind of diffuse glow filter you applied ?
Thanks guys. It's just my little technique of fusing ultra sharpened images with unsharpened images. The effect depends on the degree of merger. In the first shot the % of oversharpen is closer to 50%. I don't know why the purple looks out of focus, but some colors just do.