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Very nice. Instead of the normal unfocussed bokeh for floral shots, you have chosen an almost monochromatic room. Excellent way to rethink the norm. Maybe the flowers could be a bit sharper, but then again, the overall noise adds to this image. The color of the flowers work very well with the color of the room.
Very nice. I like the contrast between the background room and the plant. Beautiful treatment. I am still undecided about the flowers soft focus. One reason is because the large bud on the lower limb seems to be sharp? It could grow on me though. I also don't get the idea of the inclusion of the large, somewhat overpowering obelisk on the left side of the frame. For me, it just draws my eye away from the detail and beauty of the rest of the scene. But, that element could just be above my artistic pay grade. I like your work.