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Thread: D.C. medley

  1. #1
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    D.C. medley

    Been really busy with the internship here at UMD, so I haven't gotten too much of a chance to get out to D.C. and take photos, but here are three that I took last weekend. The first is a piece of artwork taken at the National Gallery of Art. I really liked the way the shadows played on the circles. The second is of the White House. I thought the green leaves were gorgeous that day and so I made them the focus. Last is a poor attempt at some falling water droplets through a window. Just thought I'd give it a shot, not sure I liked how it turned out. What do you think?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails D.C. medley-dscn2498.jpg   D.C. medley-dscn2518.jpg   D.C. medley-dscn2495.jpg  
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    Nikon Samurai #28

  2. #2
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: D.C. medley

    Echoback. Interesting array of shots... reminds me of my days back there too (I'm originally from Riverdale, right down the street from UMD..) The top one, it's decent but a tad busy. Did you use a tripod? Seems a little soft around the edges. If it's a scan, that's probably understandable. THe second shot has nice natural framing but I wish someone famous was walking out on the step - that would have really made it (but might have also have made security push everyone back a little farther). The bottom one - hmm.. looks like a scuba diving shot. I like the format of it, and the action.

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  3. #3
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    Re: D.C. medley

    thanks for your comments GB1. I drove to Riverdale the other day! It's a really nice place around here, I wouldn't mind going to school full-time at UMD. To answer your question, I didn't use a tripod on the first one, I sat on the ground and balanced it on my knees, lol. Probably still a bit wobbly. Maybe a tighter crop could improve it? For the second one, there were some people walking out of the building, but I could tell if it was anyone famous or not. I think it was probably a tour group. That definitely would have made the shot. Oh well, maybe next time.
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    Nikon Samurai #28

  4. #4
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: D.C. medley

    Echo - If you're in an architectural photography mood, did you realize that Hyattsville has (I've heard) the largest concentration of "Bungalow"-style houses in the country? Just shoot down Route 1 past Riverdale road, and a block or three down take a right and drive around those old neighborhoods and see. Interesting designs, def. another era.

    I went to UMD btw - got a BS in aerospace eng. there. But I can't say I miss it

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  5. #5
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    Re: D.C. medley

    oh wow! That sounds like a place worth checking out. Since I don't actually have a car (one of my roommates does) I shall have to figure out a way to bribe her into taking me for an afternoon of shooting lol.

    That is really cool that you went to UMD! What didn't you like about it? It is such a gorgeous campus, although I still can't get over the size. it is about 3 or 4x the size of my school. It's quite a walk from my apartment to the Plant Sciences building!
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    Nikon Samurai #28

  6. #6
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: D.C. medley

    Quote Originally Posted by echoback
    oh wow! That sounds like a place worth checking out. Since I don't actually have a car (one of my roommates does) I shall have to figure out a way to bribe her into taking me for an afternoon of shooting lol.

    That is really cool that you went to UMD! What didn't you like about it? It is such a gorgeous campus, although I still can't get over the size. it is about 3 or 4x the size of my school. It's quite a walk from my apartment to the Plant Sciences building!
    Maybe you can borrow her car? But, I know some people are real sensitive about that... esp loaning their car to other college friends (I guess they've seen Animal House too many times..)

    What school in Pitts do you attend? UMD was Ok. I actually shot for the yearbook while there. Engineering school was just a long, long road. It's funny how all the different depts - math/engineering, physch, art, business, life sciences, architecture, etc, etc - are like separate schools. Ya gotta walk to get to them. The bars were good, as I recall, though eng. students hardly ever had time to hit them. :cryin:
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  7. #7
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    Re: D.C. medley

    yeah, I'm gonna have to ask her because this lack of shooting is driving me nuts hehe.

    i'm a bio major at Carnegie Mellon in Pitts. but I'm actually doing an engineering internship here at UMD. (biomed eng.) it's fun! I actually did go to a good bar the other day with some grad students in my lab, I think it was called Bentley's.
    Feel free to edit/re-post my photos as you like

    Nikon Samurai #28

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