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Of the 3, I much prefer the middle shot. Good DOF there. The top and bottom, I'm not giddy over. The top one looks too OOF, and has some noise. I'm guessing you were shooting at a pretty high ISO. On the bottom, the front penguin is nice and sharp, but the penguin right behind him really throws off the DOF in my opinion. I think if that middle bird wasn't there, it would have been a better shot.
I also agree that the second shot is the strongest, great depth of field and I really like the reflection in the water, just wish that the rock in the forefground wasn't there so we could see more reflection of the rock and potentially the penguin as well (or maybe I am just being greedy now!!!)
These were shot on film, and low res scans, so not much option when it came to cropping. I am considering sending them in for high res scans though, for better pp capabilities, before final prints.
I agree the second is strongest, and due to the small size of posting, it is difficult to see the penguin, but in 8x10 *had one made yesterday), you can see it much better.