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I am curious of your thoughts on this one. 35mm f4 1/30sec
My eye gets drawn up and out of the shot by the converging lines. An interesting pattern, but difficult for me to look at. If there was any color, it might hold better.
I like your framing of this image. I love the way the lines flow thru the photo almost creating a since of motion. The use of B&W is the way to go here if anything I would want a tad more contrast. Overall I think you have created an outstanding abstract. Nice work.
This was shot on T-Max 100 so there is no color to it and I’m not sure color would help since the subject was a metal slide at a local park. It might be interesting to try thanks for the thought Chuck. I like the simplicity, lines and textures in this image. I also like B&W it was what drew me to photography and what I mainly shoot. I am wired different that way. I am reposting a cropped view with about 1/8 off the bottom and as suggested by Old Timer more contrast (this is hard to gauge since monitors can be different). Again thanks for your replies.
This was shot on T-Max 100 so there is no color to it and I’m not sure color would help since the subject was a metal slide at a local park. It might be interesting to try thanks for the thought Chuck. I like the simplicity, lines and textures in this image. I also like B&W it was what drew me to photography and what I mainly shoot. I am wired different that way. I am reposting a cropped view with about 1/8 off the bottom and as suggested by Old Timer more contrast (this is hard to gauge since monitors can be different). Again thanks for your replies.
Your crop is an improvement of the image. Nice job.
I like it. As I suggested to another member last week, you've abstracted enough to make us wonder / keep us looking... but at the same time we have enough visually to work with that we can make some guesses. To me it looks like the side of an army barracks or maybe and old aircraft hangar....
Thanks for the words of encouragement. I really like this image and am thankful for your input. Without knowing you could guess a lot as to the subject. Again thanks.
It's static and full of motion at the same time. It feels like it's rushing at me like a moving river of water or a waterfall only to stop at the bottom of the photo. But I am very partial to abstracts!