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nice shot Don. The clarity and the lines in this shot are very attractive. to me, It's a very graphic shot, the kind I like. The only thing I'd think about is cropping out the grass patch up top. when I do that on the monitor here, IMO, it looks better.
nice shot neverthless.
"There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have." Nelson Mandela
Great that about the only happening thing in Winnipeg?! Kidding, kidding.
Great shot, and as Liban pointed out, the grass is the only thing that I find distracting. Too bad it wasn't a dead or dry grass...I think the yellow/brown grass would be a great touch. That being said, the lines and geometrics are a great shot. Good job.
Fantastic. The angles and the geometry of this crossover are very captivating. And I agree with the others, the patch of grass up top detracts from the overall feel of the pic. It has a very man-made feel to it, and the grass distracts from that mood.
Befriending the friendless
Bringing odor to the odorless
Faith to the doubtful
Doubt to the faithfull
Clothing the sick and
Laying my healing hands upon the naked
By cropping the grass, you lose those long perspective lines in the top right, it needs that !
I quite like the contrast of natural vs man made, the green vs the metal.
For me, the grass isn't a problem.
But what IS distracting is that path or road heading straight away in the top centre.
There is a great diagonal compaition here and that pulls my eye aeay from it.
Burn in the top, and fade the green grass to monochrome, then that path and the grass each side of it aren't such a distraction.