- IMPACT - what you see first; first impression;strong eeling of power; holds your eye
- CENTER OF INTEREST - dominance of subject matter, grouping of subject and arrangement of objects so one centre of interest prevails; subject holds the eye without distractions; moody or misty; strength and definition gives center of interest; secondary subjects don't overpower main subject.
- COMPOSITION - good placement of subject; successful arrangement; harmonious proportions; dynamic symmetry to place most important objects; good rythm in repetition: colours, spaces, moods, divisions of photograph
- SUBJECT MATTER - outstanding interpretation for subject matter; good camera angle; good selection of photgraphic model or object; contrast can be very creative in selection ( old and young, warm and cold)
- CREATIVITY - use of imagination; originality; freshness of approach; unusual cropping/use of subject matter; invention, design, feeling and imagination that lifts the work into the realm of art;
- TECHNIQUE - different technique for subject matter: technique is the foundation of photography but knowledge of art principles very necessary; using creativity and abstraction can help; design brings abstract ideas into concrete form.
- STORY TELLING - complete story within photograph; successful presentation; achievement of purpose; complete meeting at first glance; strong mood or emotion using strong complementary colors next to each other; strong mood builds emotional response challenging your imagination.
- STYLE - part that sets the work apart from others; different but consistent way of seeing; different approach; real, not contrived
Under details an interesting comment on black and white. "the tonal range should be from a true black through true white, with the middle tones present in a smooth transition of grays.
This is not even a complete picture of criteria for judging photos but it is a beginning.