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  1. #1
    GB1 is offline
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    Crescent City Battery Point Lighthouse

    Kodachrome 64 film. Very little post-processing, but am wondering how much better it could be w/o the telephone wire on the upper right..

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Crescent City Battery Point Lighthouse-crescentcitylighthouse_1_dec2009_edit1_px800.jpg  
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  2. #2
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    Re: Crescent City Battery Point Lighthouse

    I like it, I might not have noticed the wire at first if you hadn't mentioned it. Although, looks like it would be easy enough to PhotoShop it out and give the building a little more secluded feeling.

  3. #3
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    Re: Crescent City Battery Point Lighthouse

    Very interesting lighting on the lighthouse photo. That wire doesn't bother me any more than do the guy wires. That's life. The strength of your shot is enough, I think. If you were going to do any pp, the brightest part of the sky could be toned down and I might like just a hair of light on the stuff to the right. There's enough light there to wonder what that stuff is but not enough to be able to identify it. Good job!

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  4. #4
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    Re: Crescent City Battery Point Lighthouse

    Man that is beautiful.

  5. #5
    GoldMember Lava Lamp's Avatar
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    Re: Crescent City Battery Point Lighthouse

    What's film?

    I'm wondering if you have any shots taken from a few steps to the left. Easy for me to say now, but it might have cut out that power line and reduced the blown out areas at right.

    A very lovely photo by any measure.

  6. #6
    Powder River Imaging EOSThree's Avatar
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    Re: Crescent City Battery Point Lighthouse

    I think this is an excellent subject. The composition is good. I just have a hard time with poorly lit subjects.

    The black foreground immediately catches my attention, something I was told to avoid by a pro many years ago. The lighting here is really difficult and because of that you lose the foreground, and your sky is blown. The subject is generally dark. If it were me I would have waited on the sun a bit more(if this is a sunset)the light is still pretty harsh, I would also be hoping for a bit more color in the sky. I don't know how this lighthouse is situated, but I would have also turned around and taken this with the sun if it were possible.
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  7. #7
    Sleep is optional Sebastian's Avatar
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    Re: Crescent City Battery Point Lighthouse

    I loe the feel of this. Color is great, love the contrast. I do wish it was less cramped on the right side of the frame to balance it a bit more. I also think you could bring out more detail in the camera-facing walls without affecting the overall contrast.

    Great subject.

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  8. #8
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Crescent City Battery Point Lighthouse

    Thanks ladies and gentlemen.

    My feeling on this one is pretty much technically correct (given the constraints) but somewhat lacking in creativity and context, maybe a little above 'I was here.' I think I'd like it better if I had a wider angle or stepped back a bit, as Lava mentioned.

    Circumstances: Crescent City gets a lot of rain and I arrived there ~ 1 hr until sunset during a wild storm, with wind and intense downpours interrupted by short lulls. The parking area is detached from the lighthouse by a little marshy area and a short uphill hike. A couple who were also considering walking it declined, figuring it was too wet, but the stormy weather and its light show was too good to pass up for me ... 'photo adrenaline' I call it.. plus I had a rain jacket (waist level) and my gear in my water-resistant camera bag.

    Did my quick circling of the house -- into the light like this isn't the best illumination-wise, but can also be quite dramatic .. I suppose you can't have it both ways (I had to do a lot in post processing to lighten up the dark areas). Shooting from the west side wasn't possible since it was too close to the cliff and I couldn't get back far enough.

    Just as I was taking this shot and the sun was getting ready to set, it really started raining... The time I got back to my vehicle (had to double back to look for my tripod ball camera attachment which I never found, but luckily had a spare) I was pretty soaked. I anticipated this and had a complete change of clothes (given it was rain country), but my gear was a mess -- the rain soaked through the camera bag and everything was damp, wet.. all paper produces were trashed; luckily no lasting damage to the camera or lenses!

    Anyway, I know that good photographers who get the great shots are incredibly determined, so at least I know I made a go of it .. maybe I'll try this little lighthouse again one day.

    Shooting a wider photo than what I have here would have answered some questions. More context would say where is it, what's around, and how its stands in relation to everything else(?) Telling a story's a good thing.

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