The wife went to a Weight Watchers meeting Saturday morning, leaving me some free time to shoot some surrounding buildings. This is the building the meeting was held at on the 3rd floor (windows w/white lights). All the contrasting shapes and colors caught my eye. At first I just looked at the fire escape, then I started seeing everything else going on. My reason for posting because I shot this with full manual control.
I want to know several things...
First...composition? What could I have done to compose this better or is it a good composition?
Second...Suggestions on how to improve it? Or, should I adjust it? Is it ok as is?
I am trying to learn photo technique so that I can eventually jump to DSLR's...
Picture was taken at about dawn with ambient light with a Nikon CP8400 w/ISO 100 @ f3.1 for 1/7 sec
I hope you like it!!! It is a new venue for me and all critique and suggestions greatly apprecieated.