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This is so pretty. Many may argue the need for a "blue Sky" but I like the white sky myself. Of course you could always crop it to exclude the sky. I would also exclude the ripply water in the very bottom. I just love the look of the ultra smooth reflection!
I like your color burst but I feel is gets a little lost in all of the rest of your scenery. I hope you will forgive me, but I have cropped your picture to illustrate a panoramic type crop that accentuates your color burst and reduces any confusion as to what your picture is about. Sometimes presenting a minimalist image of the whole speaks louder than searching the entire scene for the reference.
Part of the process of photography and editing is being able to see the big picture or thinking out of the box. You've both made good points. In addition, I need to do something about that dark area in the middle of the picture. I appreciate you taking the time.
I like it but agree with CLKunst's crop. My first thought was that there was just too much trees and a need to focus on the colorful trees and their color reflecting off the water (the reflection is awesome)
John, this is a pretty scene, and like most of us do from time to time, you tried to gather up too much of the scene than the comp could handle. CLKunsts crop certainly is an improvement, but I wish she took some more from D's wishes and completely remove the ripple at the bottom. There is definetely wiggle room here for you to get a stronger image here from some cropping. What catches my eye in this scene is the red and yellow tree together with their strong reflection. I could see zooming in on those two trees in a vertical closu-up with the reflection at the bottom and the trees filling up the rest of the frame. Picking out the little scenes from the big picture can make stronger images alot of times.