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Ok, first thing I did was cropping your frame off in Photoshop, sorry, but I always like to look at photographs without the fancy extras, they interfere with how I perceive the photograph and many times make a photograph look better than it actually is.
It's a good shot, maybe a tad on the dark side though. I think you captured both insects very well, subjects are well framed, although I consider that green piece in the background on the left side a bit distracting.
Beautiful shot. I like the border color OK, [however] I would reconsider the inclusion of the bevel effects [as a part of the framing]. My eye tends to jump to them from the photo instead of the other way around.
Last edited by PuckJunkey; 09-17-2004 at 10:10 AM.
the photo is great, but your choice of yellow/green border reduces the pop that the photo has. suggest using a border that is neutral (grey, black) or at least a color not too similair to the photo colors--- something that does not compete for my eye.
I love shots like these. I assume a macro was used? I ask because some good zoom lenses can, combined with cropping can you give you similar results. I think that the image may be a little dark or flat. I would be interested in ratcheting up the contrast a little, adding a bit brightness and finaly, some sharpening.
Images like these point out that there is a whole other world going on before our eyes and we rarely pick up on it.