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  1. #1
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Cloudy Mountain Sunset

    Does this work or is it too busy? I waited in the freezing cold for the clouds to open up and light up the peak but this is as close as it gets. I think I like it but I want to get other opinions. I know it's easy to get too attached to an image you had to work hard for. So I humbly submit this to the group for criticism.

    Cloudy Mountain Sunset-_dsc6738_1000.jpg

    Thanks for looking and thanks for giving me your honest opinion. Please, if you're going to comment, make sure to offer a real critique. I'm happy if you like it, but make an effort to tell me why and what I could do to improve the next photo

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  2. #2
    Junior Member YoungStudios's Avatar
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    Re: Cloudy Mountain Sunset

    Not too busy, but for me anyway, (and as we all know, its not always possible) a foreground element (tall tree(s) framing, or to one side, or rocks / shrub bottom foreground) would really add to the depth. The image, even though we know we are looking over a long distance, looks rather flat (not in tonal range necessarily - and I do realize this is likely shot with a fairly long lens).


  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Re: Cloudy Mountain Sunset

    I was going to make almost the same comment. It's nice but a little flat because there is no foreground to draw the viewer in.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Talking Re: Cloudy Mountain Sunset

    Quote Originally Posted by Photo-John View Post
    Does this work or is it too busy? I waited in the freezing cold for the clouds to open up and light up the peak but this is as close as it gets. I think I like it but I want to get other opinions. I know it's easy to get too attached to an image you had to work hard for. So I humbly submit this to the group for criticism.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	_DSC6738_1000.jpg 
Views:	864 
Size:	213.2 KB 
ID:	91011

    Thanks for looking and thanks for giving me your honest opinion. Please, if you're going to comment, make sure to offer a real critique. I'm happy if you like it, but make an effort to tell me why and what I could do to improve the next photo
    "Oh yo momma is such a sucker for a pic like that! [no suggestions at all, of course!]"

  5. #5
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    Re: Cloudy Mountain Sunset

    i think my reply went in the wrong place . . . it was confusing, what the screen showed me when i tried to comment . . . yo momma (not the swiftest replier in the collection)

  6. #6
    Moderator Didache's Avatar
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    Re: Cloudy Mountain Sunset

    The image is a restful one and I enjoy the gentle curves of the mountains as the eye moves left to right. I am not convinced that every picture needs a focal point - sometimes the mood is enough. I suspect this is one of those images. The fairly subtle pastel shades are nice too and add to the overall mood.

    The real joy of the picture is the light on the far range - and this is where I think there is room for improvement. The eye goes to the light fairly easily, but the two nearer ranges (the middle one and the near right one) are a little close in tone. How about darkening slightly the nearer (front right) one a little? Not a lot, just a little.

    This might give more of an impression of depth as well as adding to that lovely sense of recession of tones as the mountains get further away.

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  7. #7
    To Capture the Mind! MarcusK's Avatar
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    Re: Cloudy Mountain Sunset

    I agree with Didache, and I would add that another option would be to turn it to a panoramic format. Cropping a bit from the bottom would make this a more appealing shot.

    For a future shot, depending on possibility I would try to be on the other side of the mountain. Get various exposures. Having the sun peaking from behind a mountain is always a nice thing.

    It can get tricky when you need to wait for the proper conditions, specially in winter.


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  8. #8
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Cloudy Mountain Sunset

    I'm not sure on the cropping, but I want to see a little more mystery via more contrast and/or a very slight density shift to the dark side (err, yeah). If I was going to crop, I'd tad a little off the top.
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  9. #9
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    Re: Cloudy Mountain Sunset

    Gorgeous pinks, but seems to lack dynamic range that gives some center of interest.

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    Re: Cloudy Mountain Sunset

    Its hard for me to comment landscape because I am pretty weak in this area. But I will try to give it a go.

    I think the overall tone is abit flat and muddy, resulting in the image lacking depth.

    Sorry for the short comment, but the photo is not able to give me a real impact but I could not really explain why, it could be subject being not interesting enough, it could be composition.

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