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Thread: Cinderella

  1. #26
    Not Really (Senior Member) ShotsbyScott's Avatar
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    Re: Cinderella

    Roger, I've looked at this so many times, I actually thought I had already commented.
    Anyway, To you and your Mother, Great work!
    Looks like it needs to be in a museum.


  2. #27
    Member CarbonTerry's Avatar
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    St Louis, MO, USA

    Re: Cinderella

    This is a vast improvement. The lighting left to right is much more even now and doesn't get lost in the shadows. The blue stones really jump now. The back edge of the carriage is distinct and separated from the b/g. It does appear to be slightly low contrast now but if it was printed may be just fine.
    Your crop is a bit off. Rather tight on the carriage side and too tight on the top or too loose on the bottom. I deally there should be a little more space on the top than the bottom.
    You have worked hard to improve this. Well done,
    The top view is interesting but the high lights appear to be blown. Cropping is off here too. A thin sliver of mirror off to the right may throw enough light to help.
    At this angle the right rear carriage wheel is tangent to the edge of the base and the tail of the uppermost horse is tangent to the scroll work. In the commercial world tangent edges and items are a definite re-shoot. I have spent an hour or 2 on a complex set up and then spend a half day fixing tangents
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  3. #28
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Cinderella

    Roger, this is definetely an improvement as the parts that were fading out of the light in the first shot are now lit nicely and seems to be even throughout. Yet, there is something about the first shot that I liked very much that is getting lost in this take. I kept going back and forth from the first post to this new post to see if I could pinpoint what it is. First, I am starting to see some color in the bg, reddish hue, that was not there in the first one. Seems that the lighting is now stronger on the bg and making it somewhat visible now. I find that i liked the subject against a pure black bg, as I think I noted in my earlier comments on this, and now the reddish hue coming from the bg is taking away a bit from the "magic feel" of it that I liked. I think this could be very easily taken care of in ps with the burn brush, or if you were to shoot it again a black cloth or material set behind the subject. I'm noticing that the reddish hue in the bg is taking away from the warm reflection on the table due to it being the same color. I agree with terry on this being cropped a little too tightly, although as i look back to the original post it was cropped just as tight. If this is the full shot, you could just increase the canvas size on the image and then clone in the bg colors into the expanded canvas area to loosen the crop rather than reshooting the whole thing again. So , in my opinion, darkening out the bg and loosening the crop a bit on the top and right side and this is your wall hanger.
    As for the other point of view from the top. . .it is an interesting view, and might be helpful if you were doing an article on this piece and wanted to show it from a few different views, but not as a stand alone shot of this. Great effort , Roger. I think you have it here.

    If you decide to reshoot again, i would place the camera a bit more to the left, so the wheel of the carriage overhangs the base ( as Terry pointed out) and have a slightly more frontal view and less of the almost straight from the side view.
    Last edited by gahspidy; 02-02-2005 at 09:05 AM.
    please do not edit and repost my photos


  4. #29
    Senior Member readingr's Avatar
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    Re: Cinderella

    Gary, Carbon Terry,

    Thanks for reassessing the re-takes and all the advise. I will be re-shooting this again as I agree with the comments about the background. Its a maoghany side board which the article stands on. I could not get the lighting to give me the darkness so I will get a black canvas soon becuase I want to take photos of some of the other work mum has done.

    I think I understand what your talking about with the tangents and agree about the crop. The photos I had pulled out to get more surround were a little burnt out so were no good.
    "I hope we will never see the day when photo shops sell little schema grills to clamp onto our viewfinders; and the Golden Rule will never be found etched on our ground glass." from The mind's eye by Henri Cartier-Bresson

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  5. #30
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
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    Re: Cinderella

    Dramatically improved, well done !

    Scroll down to the Sports Forum and post your sports pictures !

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