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  1. #1
    Senior Member swmdrayfan's Avatar
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    Kalamazoo, Mi

    Chimes--your thoughts?

    Took this yesterday morning, and was wondering what you think. Is the wall light in the background distracting? I shot this with the kit lens, and in aperture mode, so I think the DOF is pretty good. These chimes are just one of three sets that hang on our front porch, but is the best arranged for photos. There really wasn't any way to eliminate the light, so I tried to get it in where it wouldn't dominate the picture. Still, I'm not sure if it works.

  2. #2
    Senior Member julsoph's Avatar
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    Re: Chimes--your thoughts?

    John, I like the chimes a lot...I like the dragonfly at the bottom, and I also like the font you used for the pic. I like the way the lighting makes them look almost striped, if you know what I mean.
    The light IS distracting for me though...I think I'd like the chimes better against JUST the brick wall...without even the white part of the roof (?) in the photo. But I'm not sure from what you said that there's much way to do that...


  3. #3
    Senior Member swmdrayfan's Avatar
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    Kalamazoo, Mi

    Re: Chimes--your thoughts?

    Quote Originally Posted by julsoph
    John, I like the chimes a lot...I like the dragonfly at the bottom, and I also like the font you used for the pic. I like the way the lighting makes them look almost striped, if you know what I mean.
    The light IS distracting for me though...I think I'd like the chimes better against JUST the brick wall...without even the white part of the roof (?) in the photo. But I'm not sure from what you said that there's much way to do that...

    Thanks Emily...I might try to find a different angle at another time. It was kind of hard to get just right without hauling out a ladder and moving around with snow on the ground.

    Ok, I did find one with a different angle....

  4. #4
    Senior Member julsoph's Avatar
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    Northern VA

    Re: Chimes--your thoughts?

    Okay, first of all...definitely include the top in your photo...I really like the sculpture-y look to it. This is better to me, without the light...but (and I'm so sorry to seem hypercritical!) the crop seems a little too tight on the upper lefthand corner, and the lower righthand corner. Is this because of other stuff in the picture? Although the right side only seems too tight because of the word, so you could solve that by making the font a smidge smaller...
    It's so funny that you said that about the snow/ladder, because I was thinking a good way to try getting it would be if you were up a little higher, but you definitely don't want to risk life and limb...hehe!


  5. #5
    Senior Member swmdrayfan's Avatar
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    Kalamazoo, Mi

    Re: Chimes--your thoughts?

    Quote Originally Posted by julsoph
    Okay, first of all...definitely include the top in your photo...I really like the sculpture-y look to it. This is better to me, without the light...but (and I'm so sorry to seem hypercritical!) the crop seems a little too tight on the upper lefthand corner, and the lower righthand corner. Is this because of other stuff in the picture? Although the right side only seems too tight because of the word, so you could solve that by making the font a smidge smaller...
    It's so funny that you said that about the snow/ladder, because I was thinking a good way to try getting it would be if you were up a little higher, but you definitely don't want to risk life and limb...hehe!

    Hypercritical is's what makes us all better. I have another shot of the chimes, from the backside looking out towards the street, but the chimes were backlit, so I didn't like that. The crop is too tight on both sides. The left side was cropped tight to eliminate the wall light, and the right side was cropped to eliminate wasted space, and too much of the porch ceiling. Like I say, I'll wait till the weather improves (it's 20 degrees out as I write this), and continue to play with various setups. I like the potential of this shot.

  6. #6
    Re Member LeeIs's Avatar
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    Toronto, Canada

    Re: Chimes--your thoughts?

    I like it John. Very nice DOF and the bricks and the lamp (on the 1st image work well). The dragon fly also adds to this. I also would've loved to see this with only the bricks in the BG, but I'm glad you didn't put yourself in a hazardous position to get the perfect shot. Summer will be around the corner!

    Also, I'd lose the "Chimes" or have it smaller and away from your photo so it doesn't interfere with the actual shot.

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