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Tuna, This is a great composition that instantly grab my attention and the tones are remarkable but, the man stand out of the picture in a strange way. He almost look pasted in the frame. I know that he isn't, that is possibly a flash effect and this might not hurt the picture in the end but there is a strangeness to this.
I think that I would slightly burn the man sweater as it is quite bright. For the rest, I take that picture like it is.
Nice image. I agree with Seb that the highlights on the man’s shirt appear bright. I really like the expression on the mans face, it fits well with his surroundings.
This is an interesting photo. I'm going to be the weird one, I think, and say that my favorite part of the pic is the repetition of the numbers...and with that, the fact that the "2" is missing from the top row. I agree that the expression on the guy's face fits well with the idea behind this. I don't really have a problem with the brightness in his shirt, etc...because it makes a good contrast with the wall behind him.
I like it, and also like the repetition of the numbers and the ommision of the 2, as Emily pointed out.I can't help but laugh as this man seems to remind me of the man in your other thread called " No Shame" in which he is holding a little girls umbrella. Nicely composed , as usual.
This is a fantastic photograph, The bright highlights suit this photograph perfectly although they could probably have an 'as good' effect even if you toned them down. it screams great composition, i love photographs that force my eye where the photographer wanted it.
this really does capture the title the chap looks so uncomfortable, but also looks like someone is about to get his wrath for doing something silly...
As already mention the composition is spot on and the numbers on the seats was the first thing that grabs you and leads you to the chap. I find the missing 2 and the seats stopping at 5 in the top row to enforce the cheap seat title.
To me the expression on the mans face and the brightness of his shirt adds an aloofness which increases the loneliness of his position as if he has no friends or is a difficult person to get on with.
Well spotted and brilliantly executed.
"I hope we will never see the day when photo shops sell little schema grills to clamp onto our viewfinders; and the Golden Rule will never be found etched on our ground glass."from The mind's eye by Henri Cartier-Bresson
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Canon Powershot Pro 1; Canon Ixus 100
Very nice shot Tuna.
I like how the subject is isolated and the repeating patterns that the seats create. I can't help but wonder if he's holding seat 4 with his leg or if he has something on it. Another thing I like about this pic is that there's alot to look at even though it doesn't seem that there is. I also like the darkness of the back wall, this shot wouldn't have worked as well if it was a white wall imo.
"There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have." Nelson Mandela
The quality of light for this shot is beautiful!!! No surprises for TUNA I'm sure. Beautiful composition and exposure. You have a tremendous way of finding art in the mundane. A choice image thank you for sharing.
I like the expression of this man, I don't know if he's looking for someone or what... He seems so sad. Anyways, beautiful composition and lighting. Well done, Tuna!
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