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I like the first images concept, but there are a few "hot spots" in it and it seems a little pedestrian(please do not take offense to that) and I would also clone out the "GAP" on the second guys shirt........Maybe try this one in Black and White?
I like the second picture, but I also think this one would have more impact in B/W as well.
I agree with Chow on the first one...minus the cloning out the Gap logo...personally, I'd leave it. You don't want to alter the image too much. For the second one, there's a few nuisances for me. The horizon isn't straight and when you include a brick pattern with lines, it really accents that. Also, I think including the whole statue or focusing on piece would be a lot more beneficial than cutting off the bottom of the statue.
The shots have some great potential; just a few things to work on,