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I like the sloping angle here, and the tones are stark and vivid. I do think its over sharpened, and can use to be toned down a bit. Nice composition, and a very different take on a cemetary
Fantastic. I love the b/w treatment. An odd vintage/illustrated look. Oversharpened a little maybe, but I wouldn't want you to compromise the overall effect of the treatment.
I shoot a lot of cemeteries and this one just isn't about the graves to me. There's too little emphasis on them. The background is too distracting, so if you hadn't said it was a cemetery shot, I would have believed you that it was just coincidence. I'd rather have had an image that showed me why you were attracted to the cemetery - what was interesting or unique about it. Agreed about the overcooked nature of the shot, too, but it could be my monitor. Do you have other views of the location? maybe from the other side it would have worked better.
I shoot a lot of cemeteries and this one just isn't about the graves to me. There's too little emphasis on them. The background is too distracting, so if you hadn't said it was a cemetery shot, I would have believed you that it was just coincidence. I'd rather have had an image that showed me why you were attracted to the cemetery - what was interesting or unique about it. Agreed about the overcooked nature of the shot, too, but it could be my monitor. Do you have other views of the location? maybe from the other side it would have worked better.
It was just an interesting grab shot with my point-and-shoot.
I think the overall composition works well Don, though I do have my doubts about the abundance of empty space in the bottom right. There are just so many interesting objects and items in this one. The over sharpening is bad IMO and reveals a lack of good technical execution, but I see that some folks here are Ok with it. I'm wondering what a shot with a good lens, stable tripod and great DOF would look like?
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