While visiting Howe Cavern, I thought I would try to get a few nice shots of some interesting sights below but that proved to be very difficult as they do not allow any equipment in there other than a camera. No bags, tripods. . .nothing. So I went down with my 28-75mm with a 420EX flash. ( wish I had a monopod, small one as i think I could have gotten away with that). The flash was blowing out lots of my shots, as I suspected it might. I tried playing with a few different flash exposures and bouncing the flash off other walls and ceiling, but still proved to be difficult. I also had a hard time focusing as everything was so dark. I shot one roll and came out with maybe 3 shots that I think are ok. This is one. I cropped this one and adjusted levels and also cleaned it up a bit using a demo version of NeatImage. I had heard lots of good things about this software and after using the demo to try it out, I will surely be buying the full version of it.
Is this image strong enough to present or is one for the family scrap book.
Thanks ( sorry for the long winded presentation)