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Thread: Cassidy

  1. #1
    Senior Member jetrim's Avatar
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    Though not a particularly experienced model, she was a lot of fun to work with. Curious if the hand being so tight to the right side of the frame kills this one:
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Cassidy-cassidy5810sm.jpg  

  2. #2
    Member gotrocks's Avatar
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    Re: Cassidy

    I can't remember all the "rules" I've gleaned from this site.
    "not level" "rule of thirds" "depth of field" "over-under exposed"

    Well this old guy thinks when I look at a picture, if it has a subject that is interesting and grabs my attention for a moment then it's a good picture.

    When I saw your title on this one my first thought was.............(you guessed ) Hopalong Cassidy.
    For all you young folks, he was a cowboy star on the silver screen in the 40's

    To answer your question, NO the hand does not KILL this one.
    I enjoy the lovely face, don't worry about her knuckles.
    Plant a tree, help it grow. Children need something to climb.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member armando_m's Avatar
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    Re: Cassidy

    I tried covering the hand and I do like it better ...

  4. #4
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Cassidy

    Jet -

    I like the pose, and her hand there adds to the shot IMO. The pose has a lot of potential but the image isn't all the way there: I think it needs

    - her playing with her hair in a mischievous way, instead of holding her head
    - smiling (above reason). With her current expression, she looks more worried than glamorous
    - longer earrings
    - eye contact
    - better background (looks like a wound up cable in the back right side)
    - perhaps a bit more sideways lighting to give her a dimensional look

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  5. #5
    Senior Member jetrim's Avatar
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    Re: Cassidy

    I have quite a few other shots yet to go through from this shoot. Can't do too much about the lighting or the earrings, but I'll keep the other suggestions in mind when whittling things down to my final picks. (background is a wooden bench out in the middle of a nature preserve).
    For now, here's one that incorporates much of what you suggested, from inside the studio earlier in the day:
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Cassidy-cassidy-hikey5585sm.jpg  

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