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It took me a second to figure out where the title was in the photo. With that said, I'm not quite sure were I'm supposed to be looking, there seems to be several possible subjects here.
mostly Nikon gear
Feel free to edit my images for critique, just let me know what you did.
Yes, very nicely framed. Add in the linear structures, the curved ramp and the spider like reflection of the chairs. There's lots to look at but for me it's the strength of this shot.
Tuna, do you mind if i ask if you flashed the painting, or was there some natural light on it? Or something else I am not able to think of???
"Flashed" as in on-camera flash? If so, no, all existing light - this is in a museum where the painting is lit by multiple spot-lights (see multiple shadows around frame...). Exposure set for mid-range on 400ASA film - layered contrast adjustments made in Photoshop to achieve the wide latitude (or range) of shadow/highlight.
As Everlasting states, Captain Morgan Rum. It may be an only-America thing but their ads end with someone doing the woman's pose (the Captain with his foot on a rum barrel). Titles are always difficult so when one presents itself, however idiotic, I will gladly use it...