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Shooting B&W with:
a Yashica 635, 120 roll - 80mm Yashinon lens and an Agfa Billy 0 (Zero) 127 roll - Solinar 7.5cm lens
Shooting color with:
a Yashica-Mat, 120 roll - 80mm Lumaxar lens and a Canon FTb, 135 roll - 55mm and 85mm FD lenses
Colors seem a little bland here and it seems there was dust on your film when it was processed or scanned. Did you develop the photo yourself?
Because of the colors and the dust spots on the bridge the photo looks very old. This could've been your intent, and if so, then the bland colors and the dust spots work. If this was not your intent, then the sky is also overexposed and the umbrellas are a bit out of focus. Most of the technical errors can be fixed by cloning and curves. But the perspective is great and the repetition of the umbrellas gives the photo a creative twist.