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Thread: The C&O Canal

  1. #1
    GB1 is offline
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    The C&O Canal

    Was in Potomac, Md last weekend while visiting the DC area. Some decent shots of the Chesapeake and Ohio (C&O) canal and tow path... Comments?


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    Name:  DSC_8428_1200.jpg
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  2. #2
    Member Ptax's Avatar
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    Re: The C&O Canal

    Really like #2. The reflection of the limb is almost perfect. #3 look a bit overexposed on my monitor.

  3. #3
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Re: The C&O Canal

    Greg, I often feel your photos are missing something and I feel that way about these. I think first and third would benefit a lot from a person in the photo. Do you not like having people in your photos or are you usually out shooting by yourself?

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  4. #4
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: The C&O Canal

    PJ - I don't bring models with me if that's what you mean Hard to get them to out there. I think this is the situation with 90% of the outdoor photographers. Can you give me an example of where in the shots you think a person would work?; I am thinking on the bridge that maybe a person in the lower right with one arm on the railing and looking/contemplating the water would be a nice addition... perhaps dressed in an old French outfit to give the scene a dreamy feeling.

    PTax, I see what you mean about the last one looking a bit blown out. (Funny how it looked OK on my computer's Photoshop and in a browser but blown out here. Hmm) I think these need a little work with effects to amplify the lazy summer day feeling.

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