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Results 1 to 4 of 4
  1. #1
    Moderator Didache's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    London England

    British Museum 1: 'Lust'

    Hi all - I spent a happy couple of hours at the British Museum today. I am posting up three for critique which I rather like, though for different reasons. I will put them up as separate threads as they are rather too dissimilar to be taken as a group.

    This one is called 'Lust' !

    You can see eleven images at:

    As always, any comments are appreciated.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails British Museum 1: 'Lust'-lust-j.jpg  
    Mike Dales ARPS
    My website:

  2. #2
    Fluorite Toothpaste poker's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Southern California

    Re: British Museum 1: 'Lust'

    Excellent perspective. Great eye as usual Didache. The lighting on the statue in the foreground seems a bit baked. Thanks for sharing.
    Canon 5D MKII & Canon 7D

  3. #3
    Senior Member jetrim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Ft. Lauderdale

    Re: British Museum 1: 'Lust'

    It's always hard to critique your work because it's just so %*#^ good! If I really had to micro nit-pick I could suggest a perspective just slightly right to incorporate all of the forward statue and maybe a touch of highlight recovery on the very top of her head, but that's a real stretch. All three you've posted are excellent, and it's hard to pick a favorite. I really enjoyed spending the day at the British Museum back in 2002 when I was last there, WAY too much to see all at once.

  4. #4
    Moderator Didache's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    London England

    Re: British Museum 1: 'Lust'

    jetrim .. thank you very much for your gracious words

    My problem was that the bit to the right of the main statue was exceedingly messy - a combination of wall signs and a very busy door - hence the crop. I agree that in an ideal world it would have been better to include all of it.

    I have actually done a more carefull worked version - with the highlights (head, plinth) dealth with to a degree.

    For interest, one of my long term projects is on the "Seven Deadly Sins" - this will possibly be part of that. When (and if!) I ever get it finished, I will probably post it in viewfinder. There is a lot to do though as most of it is in my head at the moment and it is one of three ongoing projects.

    Mike Dales ARPS
    My website:

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