Hey guys, I was in town working on a project for Uni. This is one such image I took.
I wish I could adjust the white buildings but they didnt come out right on the original photograph. I would like to go back and re-shoot the view as I feel it could be a lot better. I would like to open the gap between the bridges and create more seperation so they do actually look like two bridges. Not just one big one.
Before I go back though can anyone make some suggestions on what I might try?
This is my second photo. I really like it. I looked through a building site. To achieve this artificial frame. The scaffolding lines created lines that looked like the edges of windows. I took the shot. Rotated it and cropped it to a rectangle. Critique welcome.
Feel free to adjust my pictures and re-post them if necesary.
Thanks, Regards TiTanV