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D, the posture of the boy and the position at which you caught his legs and head are making for an interesting shot, definetly has appeal. I like the contrasty image, but agree that a little fill flash might ahve been helpful. I think it can remain as it is, and there is probably a bit of detail you could pull out a little in PS, just a bit.
Well, I will get another chance and today I got an early Christmas present: Finally my SB800!! My hubby is so good to me!! Up until now all I had was my SB28 which was sorely lacking and why I don't use flash much these days.
I don't know about the fill flash idea. I think that merely turning the kid around towards the sunlight might help, but I also like it the way it is. Taking the picture off center would be the best case, but still close up. Maybe a wide angle?
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"Every silver lining's got a/ Touch of grey"
Thanks y'all! I was trying to reflect that it was the end of the day and he was walking away hence the sun at the back. I did try to get him off center, but his little toes and horribly abused jeans didn't show up as well so I opted for center (and those darn rules are meant to be broken anyway!)
I'm not so sure about using fill flash either, just re-photoshopping the image might be able to dig more detail out of the shadows as make the contrast seem less abrupt.
About the subject being centered instead of offset from center, breaking the rules like you did is not a problem per se. But breaking them in the other direction might have made for a more interesting shot, by shooting the photo in "landscape" orrentation instead of "portriat" and leaving a ton of space in front of him.
You caught a nice moment D and you caught it well. I also like the little bubbles left behind from the sea foam, it's adds to this shot definitely. As far as boosting the details on him, I agree. Could be done in photoshop easily. don't know if you have it but if you do just remember one word, well two words but it's really one thing, it's called "shadow/highlight" it's a great little tool. It will give definition to your shadow while leaving everything thing else alone!
Nice shot.
"There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have." Nelson Mandela
I don't agree with fill flash either, just look at the curves in photoshop and see that the right side needs to be brought in a little to brighten it up. It needs to be white balanced properly, some unsharpen masking done to it and then if you want add a little warm filter at around 35% and noise ninja if you want. Attached example, not the best but does not have great detail to start with with such a low image to deal with. Also it needs to be saved as sRGB as well for the web.
Nice shot as well, captures the solitude of the boy as well. And it itsn't centred, it is actually slightly off centre.
I don't agree with fill flash either, just look at the curves in photoshop and see that the right side needs to be brought in a little to brighten it up. It needs to be white balanced properly, some unsharpen masking done to it and then if you want add a little warm filter at around 35% and noise ninja if you want. Attached example, not the best but does not have great detail to start with with such a low image to deal with. Also it needs to be saved as sRGB as well for the web.
Nice shot as well, captures the solitude of the boy as well. And it itsn't centred, it is actually slightly off centre.
Hope you don't mind me playing with it.
With all due respect, I diagree. I think bringing in the slider in curves mode throws off the colours, IMO I personally think that was bad advice. Bringing in that slider doesn't correct anything. It just accentuates whatever you're doing. If the colours are a bit off then the whole image will be totally off afterwards.
IMO the whole idea is to be subtle and dragging the corners in the curves just aint.
"There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have." Nelson Mandela