Photo Critique Forum

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Results 1 to 6 of 6
  1. #1
    good for your heart steaktaco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    blind group shots

    I just wanted to share these images, taken from my daily phlog.

    I feel they are a discipline of their own—you see, when taking long exposures in tight situations, I tend to shove my camera against a corner, ledge, or just any plain old corner that won't budge. the shots are "blind" though really they are composed the way a pool-shooter would assess a bank-shot. and they tend to have a consistent feel.

    feedback... ippon!

    teehee <- - - poohoopsies

  2. #2
    Member xsport652's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    New Jersey

    Re: blind group shots

    I really like the 3rd one. To me its like taking a pause and just putting it in that girls perspective maybe?

  3. #3
    is back jar_e's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Calgary, Alberta

    Re: blind group shots

    I agree about the 3rd one...definately your best one IMO. A neat movement and slow shutter shot.

    Great shooting.


  4. #4
    light wait photophorous's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Austin, Texas

    Re: blind group shots

    These are great. Flip flops and a campfire. Nice. Is that a belly dancer in the second one? I agree that the third one is best. I've thought about trying this before, but never thought it would work this well. You make it look easy, but I'm sure it's not. I think I'll have to try it out. Nice shots!


  5. #5
    Senior Member dbutler's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Beijing, China

    Re: blind group shots

    Put me down for the third as well. I wasn't sure why until I read Xsport's post. That's it!

    I'm leaving my husband for my D3X! I'm in love!!!

    Please, feel free to edit the images I submit for critique. I'm a visual kind of gal!

  6. #6
    Senior Member Herriot's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Re: blind group shots

    The third image too kmy initial vote but now I am leaning towards the first.
    The girl in picture number 3 is looking a little bleary eyed and I don't think that facing the camera helps. It is a great idea and I like the sense to stillness in a busy scene.

    The first image has some really nice shades and the prependicular lines work well, burning wood and ice boxes, I like it!!

    Thanks for sharing

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