Something a bit different this time, a shot I've had for a while and not done anything with, but would be interested if anyone here had any response to it.
I don't want to get into the politics of this, but I think the shot needs some explanation.
A few months ago fox hunting became a big issue again in Britain, with Labour backbenchers forcing an unwilling House of Lords to pass a ban. A group called the Countryside Alliance organised a large demo in Parliament Square to oppose this.
As a way of pushing myself to try something a little different, I went along and imagined how I would take shots if I were a photojournalist. I took a lot of pics during the course of what was generally a very good spirited demonstration, but I saw that one side of the square was gradually getting a bit hairy, as often happens when a lot of police and a lot of angry people are facing off.
As a man with a mission I got as far into this as I could, and so was in the thick of it when things escalated and the riot police started cracking skulls. Of the shots I took I think this was the most successful, taken just back from the line of police.
So, as I said, something a bit different from my usual pics! It was interesting and instructive trying to grab even half-decent shots in the middle of that sort of situation, so it was definitely worthwhile as a learning experience. But what about the shot?
Well, here it is: