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  1. #1
    Member mattp's Avatar
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    A bit of blood and violence for a change...

    Something a bit different this time, a shot I've had for a while and not done anything with, but would be interested if anyone here had any response to it.

    I don't want to get into the politics of this, but I think the shot needs some explanation.

    A few months ago fox hunting became a big issue again in Britain, with Labour backbenchers forcing an unwilling House of Lords to pass a ban. A group called the Countryside Alliance organised a large demo in Parliament Square to oppose this.

    As a way of pushing myself to try something a little different, I went along and imagined how I would take shots if I were a photojournalist. I took a lot of pics during the course of what was generally a very good spirited demonstration, but I saw that one side of the square was gradually getting a bit hairy, as often happens when a lot of police and a lot of angry people are facing off.

    As a man with a mission I got as far into this as I could, and so was in the thick of it when things escalated and the riot police started cracking skulls. Of the shots I took I think this was the most successful, taken just back from the line of police.

    So, as I said, something a bit different from my usual pics! It was interesting and instructive trying to grab even half-decent shots in the middle of that sort of situation, so it was definitely worthwhile as a learning experience. But what about the shot?

    Well, here it is:


  2. #2
    News & Rum-or-ator opus's Avatar
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    Re: A bit of blood and violence for a change...

    Wow, matt, that's very effective! The focus is on the right person, no heads in the way, the sign is visible, he's not in a weird body position ... it's all just perfect. This, too, could go on display in a social commentary setting. Bravo!

    Be glad you don't live in Wisconsin, where I live. We're in the midst of making it legal to hunt cats!
    Drink Coffee. Do stupid things faster with more energy.

  3. #3
    is back jar_e's Avatar
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    Re: A bit of blood and violence for a change...

    Very photo-jouralistic. I love reading the sign, it's a great addition, and the man's face is just priceless with his expression!

    Great shot,


  4. #4
    West Coast Ninja christopher_platt's Avatar
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    Re: A bit of blood and violence for a change...

    Great Job, Matt! That one moment where the shot was clear to the bloody guy (bloody like we say over here, not like you guys say over there ;) ), a wide enough angle to show the context, and the sign (but it's backwards, so you have to linger there for a minute before looking around again) - it all came together, and you were there with your finger on the shutter release at just the right moment.

  5. #5
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: A bit of blood and violence for a change...

    Matt, I commend you on taking the initiative to go out and test your skills.A good experience it must have been at that. You have come out of it with a great shot. I like the sign beingbackwards and the words still visible and readable.
    please do not edit and repost my photos


  6. #6
    Member shrapnel's Avatar
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    Re: A bit of blood and violence for a change...

    matt, that's a great shot. I particularly like the fact that he's the only one (well almost but the other person doesn't count) looking at the camera. it's a connection, a stop in time as him and you stare at each other whilst the storm rages around.

    good work


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  7. #7
    Too square to be hip. almo's Avatar
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    Re: A bit of blood and violence for a change...

    Quote Originally Posted by mattp
    So, as I said, something a bit different from my usual pics! It was interesting and instructive trying to grab even half-decent shots in the middle of that sort of situation, so it was definitely worthwhile as a learning experience. But what about the shot?

    Usually a sky like that would ruin a shot for me, but the subject here is rendered so extreamly well, and the situation is so powerful that the sky becomes a non factor. This is as close to perfect as you could hope for in such a fray.

    Great shot!
    John Cowan
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  8. #8
    learning member
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    Re: A bit of blood and violence for a change...

    Matt, way to get into the thick of it! The crowd forms a nice V to the subject. The person or figure above right is very distracting to me, other than that very well done!
    As an aside, the subject bears a resemblance to Ozzy Osbourne, espeacially with the posture of his hand.
    I forgot to mention that the eye contact means a lot here, helps make the shot.(I forgot to mention this when I posted, Shrapnels post reminded me).
    Last edited by mdmc; 04-21-2005 at 02:32 AM. Reason: eye contact

  9. #9
    ...just believe natatbeach's Avatar
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    Re: A bit of blood and violence for a change...

    successful in every way---everything was pretty much said...

    wow. go try out more we'll be floored by the results. nicely done
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  10. #10
    Member mattp's Avatar
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    Re: A bit of blood and violence for a change...

    Thank you all for the kind words and encouraging comments - there was a huge amount of luck involved in getting the shot, and a lot of wasted exposures, but I'm glad it paid off. I really recommend playing "photojournalist" for a day, I found it made me think quite differently about the sort of shots I was trying to take - telling a story rather than getting hung up on aesthetics.

    I'm not sure I could ever manage it like the pros though, I could see them forcing their way through the crush of people, flying bottles and smoke bombs to get to the best vantage points, whereas my "Excuse me, could I possibly just squeeze past here?" was rather less effective!


  11. #11
    Senior Member shesells's Avatar
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    Re: A bit of blood and violence for a change...

    Matt, I'd like to add my 2 cents. I agree with everyone here, you really really pulled this off. I would expect to see this photo in the newspaper or time magazine. A great shot that you feel was lucky but honestly it wasnt luck. Your skill shows through in the way you composed and focused the shot. Could not have been better! As for your not having the personality of a journalist to fight your way through crowds.... they weren't born that way, they get that way after doing that stuff a lot It's nice that you came away with a different perspective on what meaning you want in your photography. Keep it up!

    There is a fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."

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