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εὐχαριστέω σύ
αποκαλυπτεται γαρ οργη θεου απ ουρανου επι πασαν ασεβειαν και αδικιαν ανθρωπων των την αληθειαν εν αδικια κατεχοντων
διοτι το γνωστον του θεου φανερον εστιν εν αυτοις ο γαρ θεος αυτοις εφανερωσεν
τα γαρ αορατα αυτου απο κτισεως κοσμου τοις ποιημασιν νοουμενα καθοραται η τε αιδιος αυτου δυναμις και θειοτης εις το ειναι αυτους αναπολογητους
I like the first one because it gives my eyes more to explore. I love it when there's a dominant subject but then other stuff to explore like is that a fish that I thought was real for a second and that the water is wider than I first think judging by the size of the boy on the bike and the person sitting on the far shore.
Frog's comment is right on.... lol, i too thought the fish was real and was about to express my amazement at your having been able to capture the fish mid flight...
The problem with the second... is the tight crop... cutting the tail and flap (is that what their feet are called :s) hurt the picture... and they could have still used some more space in front of them!
Nice colors on the first though... as well as the composition... good job!
"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add, but rather, when there is nothing left to take away." - Antoine de St-Exupery
Kindly do NOT edit my photos - I would rather try and apply your advice and learn...