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Thread: Billy Band ~

  1. #1
    Love + Music + Photography = Life CLKunst's Avatar
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    Billy Band ~

    Hey all, working with one of my favorite musicians again. I had to do a quick band portrait for a Festival he's getting ready to do in France. That's all good, we did the shoot at a bar during set breaks and he likes the basic image, but he's all wrung out about his wrinkles. So I am trying to smooth them out for him.

    Here are three versions, the first uncorrected-ish (Used the Orton imagery technique because I knew he was going to fuss over the wrinkles), the second with his wrinkles treated and the third going completely overboard and partially over exposing the image. I just know he's going to pick the last one but maybe not. I've explained to him that I'm not Playboy or Glamour Shots so I can only do my best but my wish is to keep it "real".

    What does the group think? Any suggestions for making 30 years disappear outside of what I have already tried? All comments are appreciated.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Billy Band ~-band-shot-new-.jpg   Billy Band ~-billy-1.jpg   Billy Band ~-billy-2.jpg  
    C.L. Kunst - CLicKs Photography
    Asheville Photographer

  2. #2
    Superman flowremix's Avatar
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    Re: Billy Band ~

    personally i like the third one. i like overexposed looking portraits. it eliminates blemishes and unwanted detail...IMO. Great composition too.
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  3. #3
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Billy Band ~

    CL - I like the 2nd one the best. The top one is also nice but the harsh shadows.. Hmm, not totally at ease with that. Actually, the photos have a nostalgic feel to them, a nice one. I'm just not sure if the background does that justice: I wish they were in a jazz bar or a legal library or something to that effect - ya know what I mean? I was going to say that the amt of distance you left above the top fellow's head could be changed somehow. But actually, it might be OK. I think it's just the white bkgd that bothers me a little (nag nag..)

    I think they will like the shot(s).
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  4. #4
    GoldMember Lava Lamp's Avatar
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    Re: Billy Band ~

    I've looked at this several times and even pulled it into PS. I think the problem is that Billy is too well lit and the aperture/lens choice is too sharp. It might be better at f/1.8 or f/1.4 if you have a lens that fast and it might better with more shadow.

    Of the three you posted, I like the first one best. The other two look too "phony" to me. That said, maybe a subtel PS effect like "film grain" might acheive what you want.

    As it stands, I think it is a good picture, but maybe not good in the way your subject wants. Also, it may be intentional, but I keep thinking Billy has on lipstick -- maybe he does, but if he doesn't, it doesn't look right.

  5. #5
    Love + Music + Photography = Life CLKunst's Avatar
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    Re: Billy Band ~

    Hi flowremix, GB & Lava,
    Thanks for taking the time to comment. I still haven't heard back from Billy yet on which he likes but it will probably be today.

    Flowremix: Thanks! I rearranged the guys a few times before I got to this configuration.

    GB: Billy's girlfriend asked me to do this on the spur of the moment when I walked into the show that night, no prep for any of us, me or the band, I don't think even Billy was expecting it. The bar in particular is really DARK, GRITTY, CLUTTERED and TINY! I do lots of pictures in there for the ambience but I thought these elements would be too much to compete with for this one. I was just returning from a wedding and had a roll of white seamless in the truck so that's what I used to hide it all. I set up the backdrop and slapped them in front of it. This image is likely to end up in a Festival program and I didn't want all of those other elements colliding in the background. I know the harsh shadows are a negative but we just didn't have any more space to move, the bar is teeny, only holds 50 people max, and that includes the owner, the bartender and the band and then I had to get it all packed up and out of the way so they could play again. There is plenty of room over Dave's head in the original, this is an 8x10 crop so I have some scooching room there to play with. Lots of compromises going on in this picture. Thanks for the critique, I always appreciate your opinion.

    Lava: Thanks for the input and for looking at this more than once. I agree the other two look unnatural. I personally like the first one too and think Billy looks great, even distinguished. Given the opportunity I would have moved my soft box umbrella even further back to reduce the harshness and used a higher aperture or even a soft filter but there was no planning time for this one. And yes there is something not right about his lips. I think he had them tattooed with color about a year and a half ago. He came back from NYC with a big scorpion on his bicep (he's a scorp) and his lips all swollen but he's never TOLD me he got it done. Rock and roll makes some people do some crazy things.:yikes:
    C.L. Kunst - CLicKs Photography
    Asheville Photographer

  6. #6
    Senior Member swmdrayfan's Avatar
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    Re: Billy Band ~

    Hiya Cindy
    I don't know much about portraiture, but I like the middle shot best. I think you've taken enough of the wrinkles out without making it look overdone. The lips are what they are. If he was going to be concerned over how they would look, the guy never should have had them tattooed . I would think he'd appreciate the 'character' in his face. Musicians and other entertainers can be pretty vain sometimes, though.

  7. #7
    Love + Music + Photography = Life CLKunst's Avatar
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    Re: Billy Band ~

    Just heard back from the band. Billy wants #2 so at least he's satisfied.

    Guess you picked right John! He is vain but that all comes with the territory. :wink5:
    C.L. Kunst - CLicKs Photography
    Asheville Photographer

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