Hey all, working with one of my favorite musicians again. I had to do a quick band portrait for a Festival he's getting ready to do in France. That's all good, we did the shoot at a bar during set breaks and he likes the basic image, but he's all wrung out about his wrinkles. So I am trying to smooth them out for him.
Here are three versions, the first uncorrected-ish (Used the Orton imagery technique because I knew he was going to fuss over the wrinkles), the second with his wrinkles treated and the third going completely overboard and partially over exposing the image. I just know he's going to pick the last one but maybe not. I've explained to him that I'm not Playboy or Glamour Shots so I can only do my best but my wish is to keep it "real".
What does the group think? Any suggestions for making 30 years disappear outside of what I have already tried? All comments are appreciated.