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  1. #1
    Member Jay C's Avatar
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    Babylon, New York

    Battle On The Bay

    Recently traded in my XSI for a 50D because the 3.5 fps just wasn't enough. Finally understand what all the fuss is about, this thing is amazing. First few shots with it, conditions weren't that great and I showed up with only an hour left in the trials, so I only saw one boat. Really need to invent in a new zoom lens now.

  2. #2
    n8 is offline
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    Re: Battle On The Bay

    Congrats on the new gear. You could probably get away with cropping quite a bit from #1&2, but I personally think the amount of heat distortion in #1 is amazing and enough to keep it that way.
    mostly Nikon gear

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  3. #3
    Member Jay C's Avatar
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    Babylon, New York

    Re: Battle On The Bay

    Thanks N8. I couldn't believe how much heat it produced. Had no idea they had jet engines until I saw a retired boat on shore. I have some pictures of it, I'll post them when I'm at my pc.

  4. #4
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Battle On The Bay

    Jay - These are fun shots. I don't know if they're award winners as there may not be enough diversity or color in them to get to that level, but I like seeing the action and the way the heat distorts the light. Keep shootin'

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