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Thread: Barn

  1. #1
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
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    Rome Ga.


    I caught this one just before a strom passed thru, A drive by shooting..
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Barn-barnas.jpg  
    I am like Barney Fife, I have a gun but Andy makes me keep the bullet in my pocket..

    Sony a99/a7R

  2. #2
    Senior Member Ronnoco's Avatar
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    Re: Barn

    The wood in the foreground interferes with the barn in the background making it barely noticeable and not a centre of interest.


  3. #3
    Grumpy Old Man Overbeyond's Avatar
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    Re: Barn

    Hello Greg
    Had you titled it with a different name I would not be expecting to see a full barn.
    But having said that it has a nice homestead feel to it. It also looks a little soft Greg and maybe a little bit of USm might help. There might be some good potential for more good shots in and around that interesting looking barn if you have access.

    I have a total lack of respect for anything connected with society, except that which makes the roads safer, the beer stronger, the food cheaper, and the old men and old women warmer in the winter and happier in the summer. Brendan Behan

  4. #4
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Barn

    Greg, this is a good subject. The wood in the FG is a distraction, though and not adding to the scene. Less is More, as they say. I would try getting the Barn and a tree or two in the frame.
    I also notice compression problems in your image here again. I see that you have kept your images resolution at 314, way too high for Web display. Look through the steps I sent you in a PM. Set your image resolution to 72 and then adjust the longest side of your picture to 640 pixels. Remember to keep the Resampling box checked on as well as Constrain Proportions. Then apply a slight unsharp mask and then save as Jpeg at high quality.
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  5. #5
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
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    Rome Ga.

    Re: Barn

    Thanks Gary,
    I posted this before I raed your PM. I like this old barn and fallen trees an intend a reshoot. I was wanting to incorperate the fallen trees and a stormy sky. Now that I have more feedback maybe the next one will be better. I replaced the sky in this one combining two exposures, if no one noticed that, then that part must have worked. Unless thats where you see the compression
    I am like Barney Fife, I have a gun but Andy makes me keep the bullet in my pocket..

    Sony a99/a7R

  6. #6
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
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    Rome Ga.

    Re: Barn

    Gary, I tried the technique you PMed about, here is another version. Does the resizeing look better?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Barn-barn2as.jpg  
    I am like Barney Fife, I have a gun but Andy makes me keep the bullet in my pocket..

    Sony a99/a7R

  7. #7
    Senior Member WsW-WYATT-EARP's Avatar
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    Re: Barn

    Quote Originally Posted by gahspidy
    Greg, this is a good subject. The wood in the FG is a distraction, though and not adding to the scene. Less is More, as they say. I would try getting the Barn and a tree or two in the frame.
    I also notice compression problems in your image here again. I see that you have kept your images resolution at 314, way too high for Web display. Look through the steps I sent you in a PM. Set your image resolution to 72 and then adjust the longest side of your picture to 640 pixels. Remember to keep the Resampling box checked on as well as Constrain Proportions. Then apply a slight unsharp mask and then save as Jpeg at high quality.
    can we all see the steps ???

    greg - the 2nd post has better color and looks nicer to me :thumbsup:

    Bodies: Nikon D300 - Nikon D50

    Lenses: Nikkor 50mm f1.8 D - Tamron 17mm - 50mm F2.8 - Nikon 70mm - 200mm F2.8 VR - Nikon 1.7 Teleconverter

    Lighting: Nikon SB600 speedlight - AlienBees (2) B400's - Polaris Flash Meter

    Stabalization: Manfrotto 190XPROB tripod - Manfrotto 3265 joystick head

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Re: Barn

    and at what point does it cease to to be a photograph created by u and your camera and simply become a peace pf graphics imagery created by u and your computer..

    i seem to be alone in being bothered by this sort of "altering" but bothered i am..

    the second image bears no resemblance to the first image.. so which one is the actual photograph.. and what are we supposed to be critiquing nicely (skillfully) taken photographs or computer generated graphics imagery..

    given a few more mega pixels i can see us all just taking one 28mm type image and with the help of cropping and imaging software creating whatever we like from it..

    i am gonna create a campaign for "straight from the camera full frame photographs" i recon.. before we get "photographs" that havnt been anywhere near a camera..

    only joking but i see problems if a line isnt drawn somewhere between computor generated imagery and photography..

    if the photograph as a photograph has failed take another one.. dont use the power of a computor to make whatever u like of it..

    well u can.. but just dont pretend the end result is still a photograph..


  9. #9
    Powder River Imaging EOSThree's Avatar
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    Re: Barn

    Quote Originally Posted by trog100
    and at what point does it cease to to be a photograph created by u and your camera and simply become a peace pf graphics imagery created by u and your computer..

    i seem to be alone in being bothered by this sort of "altering" but bothered i am..

    the second image bears no resemblance to the first image.. so which one is the actual photograph.. and what are we supposed to be critiquing nicely (skillfully) taken photographs or computer generated graphics imagery..

    given a few more mega pixels i can see us all just taking one 28mm type image and with the help of cropping and imaging software creating whatever we like from it..

    i am gonna create a campaign for "straight from the camera full frame photographs" i recon.. before we get "photographs" that havnt been anywhere near a camera..

    only joking but i see problems if a line isnt drawn somewhere between computor generated imagery and photography..

    if the photograph as a photograph has failed take another one.. dont use the power of a computor to make whatever u like of it..

    well u can.. but just dont pretend the end result is still a photograph..

    Altering has always been done, whether it was in the studio or in a computer. Cropping, burning, dodging, color tweaks...all have been done for years. I am kind of a purist too, wanting it perfect from the camera, but the reality is that photos have been manipulated for quite some time.

    This looks like it could be a great subject, the FG doesn't really add to the image, its a bit distracting,
    Rule books are paper they will not cushion a sudden meeting of stone and metal. --Ernie Gann--
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  10. #10
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Barn

    Much better,Greg. Sharper, clearer, and no artifacts.

    Ben, I am using Photoshop CS2, but this should be the same for all versions of PS. It should also apply to Jasc Paint Shop Pro and Elements.

    Open up your image in your program.
    Go to "image" and then "image size" in the drop down menu. Make sure "Resampling", and "Constrain Proportions" are checked on.
    Set the "Resolution" to 72, and then adjust the longest side of the image to 640 pixels. Click OK
    Apply a slight unsharp mask (.8 radius, 60 strength, and 1-3 threshold)
    Go to "File" and then "Save as" in the drop down menu and save as jpeg at a fairly high quality.
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  11. #11
    Senior Member WsW-WYATT-EARP's Avatar
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    Re: Barn

    thanks gary ! why do you set the resolution to 72 ?

    Bodies: Nikon D300 - Nikon D50

    Lenses: Nikkor 50mm f1.8 D - Tamron 17mm - 50mm F2.8 - Nikon 70mm - 200mm F2.8 VR - Nikon 1.7 Teleconverter

    Lighting: Nikon SB600 speedlight - AlienBees (2) B400's - Polaris Flash Meter

    Stabalization: Manfrotto 190XPROB tripod - Manfrotto 3265 joystick head

  12. #12
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Barn

    Quote Originally Posted by WsW-WYATT-EARP
    thanks gary ! why do you set the resolution to 72 ?
    A computer monitor cannot display resolutions higher than that, therefore having a higher resloution will not show a sharper image.

    Greg, I do like the last image not only because it looks clearer due to your improved resizing, but also because the crop is looser. It actually improves the overall feel of the image.
    please do not edit and repost my photos


  13. #13
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
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    Rome Ga.

    Re: Barn

    Thanks again Gary,
    I see a difference on this end as well.
    Short of just a minor adjustment to bring out detail in the sky, # 2 in close to out of camera. But opinion duley noted and thanks for your comment.
    I am like Barney Fife, I have a gun but Andy makes me keep the bullet in my pocket..

    Sony a99/a7R

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