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Wow Almo...your title really does not suggest what I thought I'd be looking at...that's not a bad thing.
The first pic...I like it a LOT, and my only suggestion might be to add a tiny bit more of the headstone, but that's just a preference thing.
The second one is great. It actually makes me think of something you'd see on a sunken know what I mean? Very beautiful, but very sad and eerie at the same time.
How haunting! But it's great. I agree with Emily that on the first one, I'd like to know that it's a headstone and not just some marble marker. I think that would lend it greater impact.
And the second is simply wonderful. Definitely gives it a funereal tone, with the molding and moss and such. Lends it a decrepit air.
Almo, the second one is great! Great complement of colors between the green moss and the yellowish cast. I absolutely love it. The first one doesn't do anything for me but the second should definitely stand alone on its own.
Charles Hess I think it was said once that one of the first rules of portraiture is to focus on the eyes. My *only* nitpick here is that her focus appears to be on the nose, and the eyes are a bit soft.
Great shot buddy!
Walter Rick Long Nikon Samurai, Mamiya Master, Velvia Bandit