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The good: Very nice exposure and DOF. I like the color. Also the straight lines of the building go very well with the patchy sky. This is a great shot. You saw a very nice opportunity (subject and light) and you took it. Thanks for sharing this!
I am (though) a little bit disapointed that the lantern post merges with the balcony.
Have you tried a version of this shot including the street? A slightly wider angle might have given you a bit of the street to give some reference.
This is the only picture I got. I never even noticed the lampost. Nothing a little photoshop can't fix. I agree with the need for a reference. I seem to recall that the street was way too distracting and didn't fit with the building at all. Maybe something else would have worked
Thanks for the comments.
This is the only picture I got. I never even noticed the lampost. Nothing a little photoshop can't fix. I agree with the need for a reference. I seem to recall that the street was way too distracting and didn't fit with the building at all. Maybe something else would have worked
Thanks for the comments.
I know! That's a common problem in Paris. You look up and everything looks like coming straight from the 18-19th century. You look down and there you go: McDo and Quick burger lining up. Sometimes there is just no way!
Wow, it was a really, really nice day wasn't it?? Wonderful clouds, love the way that the top "peak" is lit so softly, and warmly. I personally didn't notice the lamppost until i read Steph's comment, she's got a good eye! And now that I see it there I would definitely clone it out. (okay, hope you don't mind me taking the liberty of playing with your photo.... Something was bothering me about the way it was laid out... I know its supposed to come to an angle like that, but my eye was telling me it was a little unpleasant to look at... Even though I loved the angle ( ?) So i went to my toolbar (image/transform/perspective ) and pulled at the corners a bit, let me know what you think? Oh, and did a quick clone job on the lamppost....
What happens when you hit a Thousand?Should I watch for Balloons?
I have PS Elements, I went to my toolbar click on IMAGE / then TRANSFORM / then PERSPECTIVE... it will tell you you are creating layers, and you have an option to name it... i just say okay and stick with what ever default is there Ex: Layer 0 ( because i don't work in more than 1 layer, as I don't know much about them) it then places a square around your picture and you can "tug" at the corners....
try it!
What happens when you hit a Thousand?Should I watch for Balloons?