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  1. #1
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Anchored on the Edge of Light

    Fuji Reala 100 Approx 70mm at 8.0
    What do you think of this?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Anchored on the Edge of Light-0505-2809xweb.jpg  
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  2. #2
    learning member
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    Re: Anchored on the Edge of Light

    GORGEOUS! I see a style developing here thats timeless!
    Again it has the feel of a painting.
    I hear CACHING! looong after you're dead! ( just joking).
    I think it may benefit fro a little fill in the shadow of the bow.
    Rating- 12 out of 10.
    OK not a proper crit.
    I love the light overall. the shape of the light in the sky is awesome.The kiss of golden light on the object on the right just makes the image sweet.
    Nits: would like to see some red in the right of the bow.(may be there, hard to tell)
    Sky looks grainy, however it befits the mood of the image perfectly= No Nits= PERFECT.
    Last edited by mdmc; 06-02-2005 at 04:23 AM.

  3. #3
    Too square to be hip. almo's Avatar
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    Re: Anchored on the Edge of Light

    Ok, were you just treading water out there or what....

    I hate to crit this cuz it's so damn cool, but there are 3 things that bug me. Fist would be the bright light reflecting off the smaller boat to the right. Second would be the bird over the main ship. I just find it way distracting. And thirdly, well it's all those little things to the right of the freighter, bouies, and a little building...ect.

    Now that aside, I have to say this is a kickass image. I love the shift from light to dark. It reminds me of those pics you see from space where you can see the demarcation of night and day. The color of the water is outstanding, and the cloud fomations are a pleasure to behold. Also the framing is very good. I could see this hanging in the port master's office!

    Very well done Gary.
    John Cowan
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  4. #4
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    Re: Anchored on the Edge of Light

    I agree almost completly with almo, definitely an amazing image, but those little bouies and stuff are pretty distracting.

  5. #5
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    Re: Anchored on the Edge of Light

    I noticed the things that Almo mentions when i made my post, and I think the image is strong enough to withstand these "imperfections". To me it becomes a boring picture without them.
    I'm not arguing with Almo, as I see his point, but thats just how I feel.

  6. #6
    Senior Member OldSchool's Avatar
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    Re: Anchored on the Edge of Light

    Hi Gary,

    That looks like a strong image. I like it.

    I've read the comments posted and just wonder if those would be a problem when looking at a proper print. I've found that small details that become nit-picks viewing here at 640 max pixels may become interesting elements for study when blown-up. So, this becomes a quandary. Do you evaluate the image presented on the web, or what you "think" it will look like when properly displayed.

    Nice image,
    Samurai #17 |;^\

  7. #7
    "Artisaliethatmakesusreali zetruth" PlantedTao's Avatar
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    Re: Anchored on the Edge of Light

    Interesting question Oldschool...I've noticed that what people have nit picked on a posted photo this has actually been a strength to the photo when blown up. (sometimes ;) )
    These "nit picks" are just that most of the time...little improvements to help us see another point of view, but not really harming the overall quality of a picture.

    Gary -
    Nice photo. Great placement of the ship and I really like the light on the second ship. The mood and color are exceptional...the quality of your color photos are impressive.
    Nice job.
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  8. #8
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
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    Re: Anchored on the Edge of Light

    Of all the recent photograph you have posted Gary, I think this one is the best.
    It has great color, composition and lighting.
    The color is good, in that the red stands out and contrasts against the blue.
    The composition is good because of the visual balance created by the two ships as well as the placement of the main ship.
    The lighting does a few things: it enhances the texture of the water and spotlights the main ship, and helps with the visual balance too.

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  9. #9
    Ex-Modster Old Timer's Avatar
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    Re: Anchored on the Edge of Light

    Exceptional image. Love the quality of light you captured here. The placement on the ship in the frame is perfect. I agree with some earlier comments about some distracting objects the the bird foremost, however the overall photograph withstands a little distraction.
    Don't forget about the Gallery. Are your photos there??

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  10. #10
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    Re: Anchored on the Edge of Light

    This image has a very refreshing composition and lighting scheme. Im simply amazed at how it turned out, very nice capture Gary

  11. #11
    Gone Fishing Tuna's Avatar
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    Re: Anchored on the Edge of Light

    And now anchored in our memory. Very nice, Gary. No distractions for me - the quality and distribution of light throughout the image is exceptional.


  12. #12
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Anchored on the Edge of Light

    Mark . . .I really like your no holds barred style of expressing yourself. Especially when it's favorable ! Thanks for your thoughts on this, as always.

    Almo . . . Yes, from the point of view and the focal length, it might seem that i would have had to be out in the water. But fortunately, there is a bike path along the highway which allowed me this great view of this ship anchored in the bay. Good to know your feelings on the strengths and weaknesses.

    MTBsSd . . .thank you for your time to express your thoughts.

    Tim . . .good point you bring up about what is relevant for critique on the web. I feel that we sometimes get carried away with the little nitpiks, and I find myself doing it as well, although I am trying to make a conscious effort to stop. There are photos from famous photographers that are classics, and I sometimes say to myself this would be picked apart on the forum.
    As far as what we should see when critiqueing , I think we need to focus on the web display as we cannot be sure what a print may look like. As for the bouys and distractions in this shot, I think I fall into a compromise in that I like the bird and the smaller ship reflecting light at the other side of the frame, but agree that the buoys and objects closer to the main ship could be burned in and made less noticeable. And thats what i like about the forum is the feedback helping to improve my shots and my edits. thanks again

    PlantedTao . . .Good to know your feelings on the great point Tim brought up. And thanks for the thoughts on the shot.

    Brian . . . Thanks for chiming in on this. As you brought up, the Red ship contrasting the Blues in the sky and water is what originally caught my eye for the shot. And of course, the lighting as the sun was rising. I was practically falling asleep next to the tripod waiting for the clouds to release the sun onto the ship and water. Thanks for your comments

    OldTimer . . .It's always good to know your opinions. I would hope the distractions do not hurt the overall image too much. thanks again

    AgmLauncher . . . always happy to see new members here. I appreciate your thoughts and time to comment.

    Tuna . . .I respect your work very much and am honored to have your time and opinion. thanks again.
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  13. #13
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    Re: Anchored on the Edge of Light

    Quote Originally Posted by mdmc
    I noticed the things that Almo mentions when i made my post, and I think the image is strong enough to withstand these "imperfections". To me it becomes a boring picture without them.
    I'm not arguing with Almo, as I see his point, but thats just how I feel.

    I just wanted to say that I have nothing but respect for Almo, his skill as a photographer, and critiquing others photos. I know that he is worlds ahead of me in these things.
    I was not criticsizing his critique. I was exspressing some thoughts that should have been included in my original post.
    Almo, I did not mean at all to come off so strong.

    Tim, Great observation, hitting the nail on the head.

    Gary, You're last one was better, this one is better.
    It's a nice pattern,

  14. #14
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Anchored on the Edge of Light

    Quote Originally Posted by mdmc
    I just wanted to say that I have nothing but respect for Almo, his skill as a photographer, and critiquing others photos. I know that he is worlds ahead of me in these things.
    I was not criticsizing his critique. I was exspressing some thoughts that should have been included in my original post.
    Almo, I did not mean at all to come off so strong.

    Tim, Great observation, hitting the nail on the head.

    Gary, You're last one was better, this one is better.
    It's a nice pattern,
    Mark, I do not feel like your comments or critique are too strong or inappropriate in any way, to myself or anyone else for that matter. Also, I'm happy you feel the pics are improving as that is the course I hope to keep.
    please do not edit and repost my photos


  15. #15
    MJS is offline
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    Re: Anchored on the Edge of Light

    I like the look of the picture. The light really is on the edge. The buoys, birds etc are just a part of the whole nautical feel, they need to be there. It think they add to the whole atmosphere or even credibility of the shot. To these black and white eyes, its a cool keeper.
    Nikon Samurai #8
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  16. #16

    Re: Anchored on the Edge of Light

    Quote Originally Posted by gahspidy
    Fuji Reala 100 Approx 70mm at 8.0
    What do you think of this?
    GOOD GOD! Was the lighting that amazing or did you magnified things a little???
    Either way, this is a nearly incredible image which remind me of Edward Burtynsky's works although your color rendering is quite different. I believe that this is one of your best photograph ever, period.


  17. #17
    Senior Member readingr's Avatar
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    Re: Anchored on the Edge of Light

    Now you understand why I became a sailor!!!

    Just purrfect. Nicely captured.

    Just come back from a week sailing and this lighting you see quite often and it never ceases to amaze me what mother nature achieves. Wish I was still on the boat.

    Roger R.
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  18. #18
    Member mattp's Avatar
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    Re: Anchored on the Edge of Light

    Gary - this is one of my favourites of yours, it does wonders in conveying the size and power of the ship, but then placing it in context as dwarfed by the sea and sky. The lighting was perfect, one for the portfolio!


  19. #19
    Member erich_vasconcelos's Avatar
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    Re: Anchored on the Edge of Light

    I adore this photo the way it is.

    Some will say that that's not a"perfect" picture. But if you'd allow med to add some cheap, personal philosophy to this matter, I'd say that these imperfections that make the picture so perfect. Afterall, perfection is nothing more that imperfection seen with different eyes.

    Anyway, I like the composition and the colors are absolutelly fantastic. Well done!

  20. #20
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Anchored on the Edge of Light

    Micheal. . .Glad to know your opinions on the image and the details within.

    Seb . . .Thanks for the great words. Yes, the lighting was fantastic, as it was very early morning with dramatic sky, and sun that kept peeping out from in between clouds. . . and , of course, I did a little boosting is PS

    Roger . . .good to see you back, and glad to know you were spending your time sailing.The sea itself is a magical part of our world as you yourself know all too well.

    Matt . . .Well said. Thats how I see it as well. Thanks for commenting

    Erich . . .Good thoughts. And thats the great thing of the forum is having all the eyes of experience , artists, and enthusiasts all offering views and opinions on a thread. Like having a 360 deg. view.
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  21. #21
    Erstwhile Vagabond armed with camera Lionheart's Avatar
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    Re: Anchored on the Edge of Light

    That's an incredible photo. Excellent light, saturation, subject position, sharp...very nicely done.
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  22. #22
    Member Nina's Avatar
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    Re: Anchored on the Edge of Light

    I love how you captured those beautiful blues against what appears to be an early stage of a stormy sky. The contrast of the tranquility of the water and the dramatic sky are what make this all the more interesting. I Love how you framed this. This to me is definitely sellable art. Great photo.

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