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The first one is great. Great cropping, and definately something you'd see in an advertisement or something. Great black and white and nice and simple,
Thanks Jared. Here is another one that I originally wasn't going to post but with a little time spent adjusting curves I fixed some really bad lighting and gave her a tan.
I don't think those are too racey. In fact, I'd be totaly comfortable with my kids looking at it.
I also agree with Jared about the first shot -- nice going with the positive/negative space.
I think the 2nd shot would be better a little more highkey (like your first one). The last two are nice ideas, but there is something about make-up colors that make the composition out of balance. I'd suggest other interesting props/clothing if you are going to use colors like that... Or, I'd just go with a natural face.
@ OldSchool: Thanks, I just thought it better to ere on the side of caution. As far as the makup colors taking it out of balance it totally got wiped out when converted to greyscale as shown below. I didn't post it because I just thought something was lacking in that version, not sure what but it doesn't seem effective to me.
Hey, Arc. You'll probably not hear me say this too often, but my favorite is actually the color one that you photoshopped. Her tanned skin tone is really nice and I really like the color of her makeup. Good job getting rid of some of the distracting marks on her back, too. I like the poses in the first two B&W shots, but eh... you know me and my black-and-white film snobbery. Reshoot them on Delta and you'd have some gallery-quality shots. Good work.
Peer through the scope with an amoral code...
-Naked Raygun