Taken July 14 just after midnight, at Deadhorse Camp, Alaska.
Deadhorse is next to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, the largest oil well in North America and on the Arctic Ocean. This is a 5-image HDR but I'm also posting the middle range image for comparison, which may actually be better (?) I set up my camera to automatically fire 5 shots in -1 f stop increments every 30 minutes, then hit the hay. Since it was threatening rain, I took the chance that it wouldn't downpour and damage the camera and just placed my hat over the top of the camera (I wasn't worried about theft since it was in an obscure location). But sloppiness have it, the lip of the hat shows in the top of the pic, requiring some cropping.
It was really my intention to get the sun moving across the sky in a series of shots, so to show how the sun skirts the horizon. But due to heavy clouds, light rain, and some technical sloppiness on my part (was a little woozy from the trip, I suppose), I wasn't able to do just that. I did get this and a few other shots though. C&Cs welcome.