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Land of Vikings and Salty Black Licorice and ABBA!
Finally I got to use the D90 after weeks of only using my iphone. Went to dinner with friends and snapped this one of my friend Elnaz. I have not cropped it, this is how it was framed when I shot it.
D90 50mm
All opinions expressed by this person are purely that, opinions which means she doesn't actually know anything about photography.
Nikon D90 newbie
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Land of Vikings and Salty Black Licorice and ABBA!
Re: :)
Originally Posted by thecounsel
why couldn't you use your 90? Nice catch. I like the tight frame.
I could have, but since I was doing nothing but writing and reading for the last 4 weeks I didn't take it with me. My backback was filled with books and papers and a computer. adding the camera just would have been insanity
All opinions expressed by this person are purely that, opinions which means she doesn't actually know anything about photography.
Nikon D90 newbie
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Land of Vikings and Salty Black Licorice and ABBA!
Re: :)
Originally Posted by Anbesol
i like it, gret expresion, would have liked a bit more space above her eyes.
hehe me too but I get what I capture in half a second although it really says what type of person she is. This really was an accidental capture.
All opinions expressed by this person are purely that, opinions which means she doesn't actually know anything about photography.
Nikon D90 newbie
-------------------------------------- My sad little flickr account My project 365
Not bad! It looks like, with a little post processing, it could be a dental advertisement.
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Land of Vikings and Salty Black Licorice and ABBA!
Re: :)
Originally Posted by GB1
Not bad! It looks like, with a little post processing, it could be a dental advertisement.
I did a little photoshopping but not a lot. .I don't like those plastic looking shots of people.
All opinions expressed by this person are purely that, opinions which means she doesn't actually know anything about photography.
Nikon D90 newbie
-------------------------------------- My sad little flickr account My project 365
Actually I was just noticing the teeth, I didn't notice the teeth the first time, but now that I see them I can see that they were photoshopped, with the soft texture. What did you do to whiten her teeth?
Land of Vikings and Salty Black Licorice and ABBA!
Re: :)
Originally Posted by Anbesol
Actually I was just noticing the teeth, I didn't notice the teeth the first time, but now that I see them I can see that they were photoshopped, with the soft texture. What did you do to whiten her teeth?
I just created a new layer, painted them white with reduced pressure and then reduced the opacity on the layer. I am but a novice at PS. I learn as I go.
All opinions expressed by this person are purely that, opinions which means she doesn't actually know anything about photography.
Nikon D90 newbie
-------------------------------------- My sad little flickr account My project 365
Land of Vikings and Salty Black Licorice and ABBA!
Re: :)
I think I did do overlay. I usually do when I am enhancing colours like that.
All opinions expressed by this person are purely that, opinions which means she doesn't actually know anything about photography.
Nikon D90 newbie
-------------------------------------- My sad little flickr account My project 365
Land of Vikings and Salty Black Licorice and ABBA!
Re: :)
Originally Posted by Don Schaeffer
ah! youth!
I heard that! Darn whipper snappers!
All opinions expressed by this person are purely that, opinions which means she doesn't actually know anything about photography.
Nikon D90 newbie
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