Right now i am enrolled in a photography school with a VERY good reputation. the focus is primarily on commercial photography with an emphasis on 4x5 cameras.
even though (i thought) photography is my passion, i am not loving it. I'm sick all the time, and never have time to eat, sleep, or smile.
I have experience in photojournalism, which i love, but i wanted to be more marketable (i needed technical skills training) and was interested in commercial, fashion, food, portraiture, wedding etc. So i chose the best school i could within reason.
but the course is SO much money on top of tuition fees. but it's over 90hrs of work a week and i cannot find the time to have a 2nd part-time job. i know expenses and poverty are common to photographers, but i didn't realize to this extent.
Additionally, all the professors and guest speakers have lamented about their numerous divorces (due to their workaholism), the little sleep they get, the tragedies of their businesses, etc. And they are ALL men. I have not met one successful female photographer.
i want to have a family one day. i want to have a life and see my boyfriend occasionally. my career is important, but i don't know if i have what it takes -- what these people appear to have. i don't know if i am willing to saccrifice so much for a "JOB"
Is it possible to enjoy life and still be a photographer? is it all about panicking to get jobs from Sears, Loblaws, Ralph Lauren, Telus etc? about not having enough money to eat b/c you have to buy equipment or the market is slow? Is this job right for somebody who strives to do well - to be successful - but not "A SUCCESS?"... somebody who wants to laugh with friends, have kids someday, and sleep more than 4 hours a day?
any advice from professional photographers in any field would be GREATLY appreciated.
many, many thanks!