Hey everyone, one of my old friends from high school saw some of my photos on Facebook, and she liked them so much, she sent me this message:
"So, I was looking at your photos, and I must say that I was quite amazed! I had no idea that you were such an awesome photographer! I've been looking for someone to take a few photos of my fiance and me. Most of ours are taken from arm's length, so all of our poses are the same. My mother isn't too thrilled about that, since we'll need pictures to display at the wedding, and they are all very similar! How much would an artist like you charge for something like that?"
Needless to say, I was completely surprised and very honored! Bearing in mind I only have the 50mm (which should be great for this), no flash equipment whatsoever, and the minor fact that I've never done this before, what would you suggest I charge her? I'm definitely not looking to charge near a professional rate; merely a little compensation for the time/work.
And any tips on the sorts of locations, poses, etc would be very appreciated as well! Thanks for all your help!