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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Locust Valley, NY, USA

    stock photography site. thoughts/advice/experiences?

    Hey there,
    My name is Brittany Dembowski and I am currently working on my BFA in Photography as well as working on a new type of stock photography website.
    Ad Agencies use us to find high quality photographs by serious photographers. Agencies will post a challenge to our website, asking for a specific type of photograph. What we do is find those photographers and tell them they could be paid $1,000 + for their photographs. However, anyone can join the site! It is free and easy to use and that way when challenges are posted that you know you have a photograph for you can easily submit it and have a chance to be that much closer to getting your photography and name out there.

    I am looking here for some ideas and photographers input on stock photography websites in general, and hoping that some of you will come check out the website!

    Thank You!

    Brittany Dembowski
    Photography Community Director
    Picomize | Fresh Photography

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    New Zealand

    Re: stock photography site. thoughts/advice/experiences?

    I have been providing microstock agencies with images for the last 7 years-It gives me a residual income to bequeathe to my children in the future.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails stock photography site. thoughts/advice/experiences?-gemma-tyson-small.jpg  
    Attached Images Attached Images    

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Las Vegas, Nevada - USA

    Re: stock photography site. thoughts/advice/experiences?

    So what is the name of this website ????
    Am I blind and missed it or what ????

    Thanks and best of luck with your site,

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: stock photography site. thoughts/advice/experiences?

    Hi everyone,
    Recently learned that was started a brand new Stock Agency for sale of images - RawStockPhoto. The Agency looking for new Contributors who want to sell their images, or already do so in other stock agencies. Now they start a Promotion about new Contributors. The conditions are very good and very reasonable. Contributors receive one of the highest percentages for stock photography - between 45-70%! The registration is fast and easy! Section "Help" is pretty good formed, you can easily orientate in the site!
    IPTC Name, Description, Keywording - Yes
    Java Photo Upload - Yes (drag and drop)
    FTP Upload - Yes

    I already registered and got my stock photos. I hope this information will be useful for you.

    Website address is:

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