I have releases and not the kind that say "I will do what I want, when I want, how I want with your image and you're gonna let me!" type. I clearly state in mine that the image will NOT be used in any lascivious or immoral manner, and that it will NOT be altered to such an extent that the end result would in no way mirror the original, yada yada yada.
I've never had a problem with folks signing them before but suddenly I seem to be getting a lot of "I want 10% of whatever you get for it" types. I keep telling them that the shot may never sell and he or she may just be asking for 10% of nothing. I live in a fairly rural town in NC and I've taken shots of barns and horses that I really dig and the folks will either ask for a percentage or flat out tell me that they want $100 or so (One guy asked for $500) to sign the release.
Any of you encounter such things and if you have, how did you get around 'em (or did you)?