How to remove image background in Photoshop?
There are various ways for remove image background in Photoshop. We can use polygonal lasso, magic wand, eraser and pen tool. to remove the background. In those, polygonal lasso, magic wand and eraser are mostly used and traditional background removing tools. We cannot get high quality images by removing background from those tools. Instead we can use pen tool for removing background to get the best quality images. It is a bit more difficult to use pen tool to remove background but we get the best quality of images by it.
How can we use pen tool for removing background?
Here are some steps to be followed for removing the background of images.
· Zoom image to 300% - 400%
· Create Path around object, name path (as your wish)
· Place path 1- 2 pixels inside the hard edges of the image
· Place path well around any soft edges of the image
· Try to reduce anchor points and follow the natural curves of the images
· Make sure Path is closed and no “inside” parts are missing
· Convert “Path” to “Clipping Path”
· Convert selection to layer mask; so that you can keep the backup of the original PSD file by doing layer mask