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  1. #1
    Member wedding photographer's Avatar
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    Apr 2010
    Miami, FL

    Do you use a DVD Printer?

    I am thinking about buying one CD/DVD Printer so I can send my wedding photos to clients. I like the fact that you can print professional looking DVDs with these printers.

    I am thinking about one of these:

    THE QUESTION: Does anybody here have one? Do you like it? Which one do you recommend? Was it worth buying it?

    The reason I am asking because it is not cheap. It costs around $1000.

  2. #2
    Moderator Skyman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

    Re: Do you use a DVD Printer?

    I have a Bravo SE at work and I love it. I don't know if I would recommend it for a photographer, as you are typically burning / printing a small number of discs at a time. The Bravo justifies its pricetag and the cost of running it (ink is stupidly expensive for it) in the time saved burning multiple copies of a disc. Prior to having the Bravo I used a canon ip4200 that had a tray that allowed you to print directly to an injet printable cd. when I was burning multiple copies I was wasting time swapping discs in and out of the burner and in and out of the printer. It is cheaper to run as the ink is a lot cheaper and it has multiple catridges so you don't have to replace the whole catridge when you run out of one colour. having said that I do know of a company that mods primera machines to use continueos inking systems and sells refurbished machines so maybe that is an option to look into. Still unless you are shooting more than 2 weddings a week with each client wanting more than say 5 DVD's I would be investigating the printer that can print direct to disc as it will be cheaper and you can use it to print out your photos as well.
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