Just wished to re-post here in case it gets over looked...
Hello John;
A pro camera could mean literally anything that a photographer who makes their living uses for a specific challenge. Take Terry Richardson, who for years had used a 75$ Canon 35mm fixed focal length consumer camera for all of his edgy shoots, making about 25 to 50k$ per day. The reason I say this is that there are many questions one must ask before deciding on which tool to use to solve a photographic problem. What support will the image be used in? What is the size of the reproduction and at which output resolution. DSLR's have all become rather homogenised over the last few years and the decision to purchase a specific brand comes down to very subtle differences in features and accessories. All of the big four have had teething problems, with front focus issues, auto focus issues etc. But basically, give me a Canon, Nikon, Pentax, Samsung, Sony or Leica DSLR and I would feel confident that I could go in to the studio or an interior location and get the job done. I mean, I once did an 8 page fashion editorial for Linea Magazine using my Canon 350D. Why? Because I could and chose to do so. I recently chose Pentax for perhaps capricious reasons. I liked the feel the look the features and the fact that I used their pro camera's for years and thought, why not? It really all comes down to the person taking the picture and NOT the camera. As long as my gear doesn't blow up during the shoot and I have a back-up camera, "Let 'er Roll!"