I am an older guy on a rather limited income. Before the digital age really took off, I owned a Ricoh SLR with several lenses. I have played with graphic image manipulation programs, which are exciting, but, above all else, I long to wed that capability with a through the lens photo taking experience.
Last night, I took my long lens into the local Walmart, and tried to fit it to the Nikon 3000 body on display. Of course, I was disappointed. But, then looking on the internet, I am encourage. Your group leads me to suspect that there are digital cameras out there that will mount a lens: “K” type bayonet with 65° rotating angle.*(Ricoh KR-5 Super manual)
Its it true that a digital camera, such as the K-x, will work with these old lenses?
By the way, the K-x is a little beyond what I wanted to spend, but from the few reviews I've glanced at, if I stretch myself a little, I'll probably be glad that I did. Providing I can use my old lenses.