Hello everyone. I currently own a Pentax Asahi 1000 that my dad gave me 20 years ago. I love it and have taken numerous photos that were worth framing and displaying. I want to go digital and purchase the K10 (since I already have some lenses that will work -- even if they are manual focus). I recently read a review of this camera by somebody on this forum who said that he would not recommend this camera to anyone who wants it for shooting sports. Now, I want this camera mainly for this reason. I have a brother who races cars at the local track and I document his career by taking pictures everytime I can. Will this camera focus continously and take sharp photos under not-so-great lighting conditions? Should I reconsider the K10 and go with Nikon or Canon? I really don't want to go another route as I have read and researched this camera a LOT and really have my heart set on getting this one. My question, I guess, is will I be disappointed in purchasing this camera for action shots?