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  1. #1
    Member benjikan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Canadian in France

    Response from HOYA HQ to My Ltter to Them

    Letter From HOYA to Me re: My Letter to them:

    Hello Mr. Kanarek,

    Thank you for your comment in regards to Hoya and Pentax merger.

    It is still too early to talk about what will happen after TOB because we are still under discussion, but we would like to let you know what we think about Pentax camera business and our merger.

    As you already know, Pentax is one of Japan's best-known camera makers with worldwide brand recognition and a nealy 90-year history, and HOYA respects it very much. We appreciate Pentax's excellent technology, products and brand. We believe that two companies are the best partners and by integrating both companies' skills and technologies, we can grow much bigger. That's the reason why we are offering tender offer.

    Hoya is a manufacuturer, not investors or fund managers. We do M&A in order to strengthen our business, not to chop them up and sell. HOYA believes Pentax will be able to continue inventing excellent products to meet its customer needs, and we can support in many ways.

    We are so glad to know that Pentax is working with a talented artist like you. We'd appreciate your continuous support.
    If there are any quesitons, please feel free to contact us anytime.


  2. #2
    Pentax Forum Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Platteville, WI, United States

    Re: Response from HOYA HQ to My Ltter to Them

    Exellent job, Ben. Sounds like we Pentax users have nothing to worry about. And IMHO, Pentax has a great defender/promoter in you!

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